Friday, February 10, 2012


hi from Tasmania. We have spent the three days trvelling round, driving on the otherside of the round and seeing many beautiful beaches and lush scenery. we stayed in st.helens and took in the Bay of Fires and St. Columbia falls, the tallest here. I have been eating as much seafood as possible! Yesterday we drove to port arthur and saw devil tasmanian devils upclose and personal! It was a great three days, I was I could stay and do more hiking. pictures will follow later when I have a better connection.


  1. Hi Kristen, The tasmania reagen sounds great,
    What does the devel look like?

    1. Hi Grandpa! The devils looks like little black bears mixed with pigs and with big teeth! They also scream when they are trying to steal food from each other! I will have to send you a picture when I get back to Edmonton. Love you!
