Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sydney cruising

Hi from Sydney! We have made it to our second major stop of the trip and are having a blast. Since I last updated this I have been up to a lot!
 We arrived back in Melbourne to the st. kilda music festival on the beach! Next we took off to the great ocean road for three days. We took surfing lessons, played in the waves, had sun and sand! We also saw a ton of locals- koolas, kangroos, cockatoos, enchidlas, kookobarras and many other colourful birds. we made a stop @ the 12 apostles and marvelled at their beauty. We took in the night market in melbourne and spent our last day in Victoria tasting wine in the Yarra Valley.
We arrived in Sydney a few days ago. Our first full day, we took a bus tour of the blue mountains and did a cave walk @ Jenolong caves. It was really amazing.
Today we did a Sydney habour cruise and checked out the oldest part of the city - the Rocks. Tomoorow we tour the Opera house and go to see a play. Chris and I are also hoping to do the Sydney bridge walk and go see Port Stephen. Hope you are doing well! We can't believe the trip is half over.


  1. glad you are having a great time! hope you continue to enjoy and looking forward to seeing your pics! -Lins x

  2. Hi Kristen, Will watch for you on the bridge,,
